Gordon Scott - Pipe Major
Gordon has been playing the bagpipes since 1978.
He was elected Pipe Major on September 28th, 2006 of the Grimsby Pipe Band when it was determined by a unanimous vote to move the band forward to become a full pipe and drum band. Prior to this, the Grimsby Pipe Band was mainly an instructional band which practiced a variety of tunes on the practice chanter on a weekly schedule. The Great Highland Bagpipe is the 7th musical instrument for Gordon, the others being, Accordion, Piano, E flat Bass, Baritone, Euphonium, and Pipe Organ. Currently he maintains two musical instruments, that of course being the Great Highland Bagpipe and the Piano / Keyboard. Gordon was also choir director for the Salvation Army Dundas Corps from 1991 to 1993, as well as church pianist and organist and has played at many musical evenings and events as an accompanist or soloist. The Grimsby Pipe Band is his 7th band to participate in. He was a member of and participated in the following bands:
Gordon is a 30 year retiree of Arcelor Dofasco (Coke Plant Manufacturing, Learning and Development, Purchasing and Legal Secretarial). Gordon was also active in various businesses during this time and assisting where possible to manage and restructure the business where required. Gordon has taught piping in Grimsby since 1999 and looks forwards to teaching and playing for many more years to come. Gordon is a member of the Grimsby Band Executive acting as the “Band Manager” and "Pipe Major" |
Executive Committee: |